Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lord of the Rings Isengard Uruk Hai

Here are pictures of my friend's Isengard army that I painted  for him. I feel responsible for him buying the stuff since I have a Minas Tirith army and was searching for an opponent. That had been sitting around his house for a while mostly assemble, some primed, so I offered to paint them up for him since I had a window of free time. I think they came out really nice. I really enjoyed painting the trolls and I think they look great - nice centerpieces for the army. I followed the color scheme from what I could find in pictures and online. Overall the color scheme is dark and menacing but I really like the dark flesh skin on most of the models. Some models, like the Uruk Hai Shaman and the Berzerkers in the Demolition Teams I gave a straight red skin tone to separate them from the rest of the army. Otherwise, the Shaman would have looked like another captain. Maybe someday, we'll actually play a game of LOTR. I'm in no hurry though.

Two Isengard Trolls.

Uruk Hai with swords and shields.

Uruk Hai pikemen

2 Demolition Teams

Isengard Command models.

Banner Bearers.


Uruk Hai Shaman


The White Hand himself, Saruman.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Battlefleet Gothic Chaos Fleet

Here's my collection of Chaos cruisers for BFG. I've got the Repulsive Grand Cruiser in the middle followed by 2 Styx battlecruiser carriers, 2 Hades battlecruisers, 2 Devastation cruiser carriers, 2 Carnage cruisers, 2 Murder cruisers, 2 Slaughter cruisers. So, pretty much 2 of everything. No battleships for Chaos yet. I think the Repulsive will do well as my flagship. The Chaos battleships aren't as great as their Imperial counterparts - their strength lies in their cruiser classes. I need to pick up some small craft such as fighters, bombers and assault craft (especially assault craft) models for this chaos collection. Launching assault craft from carriers along with waves of fighters for protection and bombers for extra damage is what will give my Chaos fleet its edge. As I mentioned, the Chaos cruisers are very good with lots of battery fire and lances, but they need some ordnance to combat the Imperial Navy's powerful prow torpedoes that ignore shields. I'm working on painting some fighter and bomber bases for my Imperial Navy fleet, so after I finish those I'll purchase some Chaos small craft.